Arpit Agarwal

Arpit Agarwal

Postdoctoral Researcher
FAIR Labs, Meta
Email: agarpit [at]

Link to: CV (last updated: Jan 2023)

About Me

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at FAIR Labs (Meta) working with Max Nickel on socially responsible recommendation systems. I was previously a postdoctoral fellow at the Data Science Institute at Columbia University hosted by Prof. Yash Kanoria and Prof. Tim Roughgarden. My research interests lie at the intersection of Machine Learning, Economics and Computation, and Theoretical Computer Science. Specifically, I am interested in the human decision-making process and its interaction with machine learning algorithms-- how humans choose items based on recommendations, how can we learn from their behaviour and recommend better items, and how do these recommendations influence their tastes in the long-term?

Prior to joining Columbia, I completed my PhD from the Department of Computer & Information Science at University of Pennsylvania, under the guidance of Prof. Shivani Agarwal. Before that I completed my masters in computer science and engineering at Indian Institute of Science. I also spent a semester visiting Prof. David Parkes at Harvard, working on the problem of multi-task peer prediction.


Research Publications